Hot Cakes

A while ago our Kiwi pals blogged about the surprising ease of making pancakes from scratch. This reminded me of the hot cake recipe I found on the back of the Mecasa corn flour package I had picked up in Mexico. I’ve bought the same stuff in Lexington Wal-Marts for trying my hand at papusas but those packages never had the hot cake recipe. So from time to time I’ve fixed these in the van and it always gets a little out of control in our tight quarters. This morning I made them in our friends’ kitchen. Here is the full recipe, in Spanish. They are worth the translation.

Hot Cakes de Naranja 20 piezas

2 tazas de harina de maiz Maseca
3/4 taza de azucar
4 huevos
2 cucharades de polvo para hornear
1/4 taza de mantequilla
1 1/2 taza de leche
3 cucharades de ralladura de naranja

Vacia en un recipiente la harnia de maiz Maseca y el resto de los ingredientes. Usando un batidor de globo, batelos hasta que se incorporen bien. En una sarten ya callente Y ligeramente engrasada, vacia una porcion de las mezcla y deja que se cueza a fuego medio por 1 o 2 minutes; luego voltealo para que se cueza tambien del otro lado.

I make half this recipe for 2 people. For simplicity I have skipped the la naranja and then increased the amount of el leche for the right consistency. Someday I’ll follow the exact recipe.

Just add maple syrup!

Just add maple syrup!

2 thoughts on “Hot Cakes

  1. Kiwi pals? …. we haven’t quite gone native yet. Although Sophie’s starting with the accent now.

    I bet the naranja would add an interesting citric twist. I like how the instructions are so thorough that they tell you to flip the pancake to the other side.

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